St. James

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Worship Ministry

• Acolytes, typically youth 10 to 18 years old, carry the cross and torches in procession, light the altar candles and assist during communion.

• Ushers, greet worshipers, hand out bulletins, and assist in seating worshipers.

• Lectors read the lessons of the day.

• Chalice Bearers administer the chalice of wine to worshipers during communion.

• Altar Guild members prepare the altar for Holy Eucharist and other services.

• Oblationers bring the bread and the wine to the altar for communion.

• Parish Choir members offer their gift of song for worship throughout the year.

• Children’s Chapel Leaders guide children ages 4 and up through a Bible lesson activity during the sermon.

Christian Formation

• Sunday Forum is adult Christian Formation on Sundays, featuring a guest speaker on any range of topics. Help by suggesting topics/speakers.

• Souls Sisters Reading Group meets Monday mornings for fellowship, laughter, prayer — and of course book discussion.

• Faith Seekers Bible Study is a small-group gathering on Monday nights, focusing on one book or aspects of the Bible.

• Order of the Daughters of the King is an international religious Order for women in The Episcopal Church devoted to prayer, service and evangelism. The DOK meets once a month.

Parish Life

• Hospitality Team members serve as hosts, cooks, and cleanup specialists for a variety of parish-wide fellowship events.

• Supper Clubs are monthly gatherings of six to eight people over a meal hosted by parishioners in their homes.

• Men’s Lunch occurs every first Monday of the month at Vernon’s Kuntry Katfish across the highway from the church.

• He-brews Fellowship is a gathering of families and friends to reflect on the Sunday lectionary readings while enjoying local craft brew (lemonade for the kids).

Family Ministries

• Outreach Events support our community by assembling care packages for local charities. Open to all parishioners, especially families with small children to get the spirit of serving others started at a young age.

• Art Camp VBS Volunteers serve in a variety of creative capacities during this weeklong camp serving more than 100 children from throughout the area.

• Boy Scouts call St. James parish home to their troop and are always looking for volunteers.

Newcomer Ministry

• Greeters welcome all worshipers — but especially newcomers — before and after every Sunday service.

• Newcomer Socials occur about every six weeks or so to welcome our newest members with food and fellowship.

Pastoral Care

• Lay Eucharistic Visitors take communion to the homebound and hospitalized.

• Flower Ministry take Sunday altar flowers to the homebound and hospitalized.


• Salvation Army Soup Kitchen volunteers make a meal and so much more for those who would not be able to eat otherwise.

• Knitter’s Guild members create hats for newborns, blankets for the homebound and a variety of other beautiful works of comfort.

• Crossroads Prison Ministry participants write letters of support to those in prison.

Buildings and Grounds

• Facilities Maintenance is open to anyone handy with a paintbrush, hammer or plunger!

• Garden Club helps maintain a portion of our campus and meets monthly with gardeners throughout the area.

Questions about volunteering?

We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.